For over 40 years, MARC has held meetings attended by health care practitioners, professors, undergrads and graduate students from the states of NY, NJ, DE, MD, PA, WV and DC.
The total count was a new high-tide line of 981 attendees at the Sheraton in Harrisburg. I was invited to be a part of a panel of presenters with the topic of Firefighters.
The impetus came from our outstanding presence at the Annual Meeting of ACSM in Orlando earlier this year. But this would differ from a symposium to “Show and Tell.”
Brent Davis and I brought a Keiser Force Machine and punctuated the presentation with offers to 50 attendees of our session to come on down and give it a wack.
We interposed each participant’s foray into the world of the Firefighter Combat Challenge with some of the science behind the games.
As expected, the Challenge gained new respect from the world of Kinesiology. Some snapshots of the session below: