Thursday, June 28, 2012

Firefighter Combat Challenge - Bled, Slovenia

A number of our Challenge competitors have expressed interest in traveling abroad to participate in one of the overseas events.

There is no more picturesque spot than the town of Bled, featured on the front cover of this month’s Travel+Liesure magazine. Photographs from Bled have graced calendars for decades. It’s the venue for the World Rowing Championships, with a lake that is so pristine that the castle, high on the cliff overlooking the island makes for a nearly perfect reflection when no winds are blowing.

Last year’s event was held in the capital city, Ljubljana, where the airport is located. You’ll be pleasantly pleased to see a virtual replica of the Official Challenge Course, down to the carpets! Joe Triff set the bar pretty high when he competed in the open, tandem and relay events last year. This year’s event will start on Friday, September 21 and run for 3 days. It will be preceded by a week of other sports events for public safety

For the trip of a lifetime, consider making this one of your Challenge destinations for 2012. For all the details and to register by visiting the website:

Igor Marjan is the point of contact for all questions; his email address is on the website. We’ll post additional information on other oversea’s events as the dates become fixed.

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