Friday, October 23, 2015

WCXIV- Montgomery Day Four

With Wednesday logically being the biggest day of the week, many competitors took Thursday as a rest day in preparation for the Finals.

Ted Overcash, the perennial “Ever Ready Bunny” of the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge came up with the idea of an Over 60 Relay team. Actually, he wanted to go for 70, but it came down to just himself and Dr. Davis. So, Team 361 was formed with five members all over 60. This will be the topic of a future BlogSpot, with photos. But, let’s just say it was great fun and amusement.

The most frequently discussed topic was the Montgomery Fire Rescue Department (MFR). In our nearly quarter century of Challenge Championships, no one has come close to providing the infrastructure and amenities associated with this event.

And, if you missed this year, you missed an experience that you will live to regret. With over 600 competitors, from more than one dozen countries, 29 states and 7 Canadian provinces, perfect weather, perfect live streaming and a host of World Records, shelter provided for those who did not bring their pop-ups, refreshments and snacks and an incredible Lion’ Den, the bar has been set way, way high.

The modern day version of the bucket brigade: MFR stockpiles water for the competitors on Thursday with more excitement and amenities to come. 

The Kuwaiti Oil Company team presented the Challenge Road Crew with a plaque that will find a conspicuous place in our office. 

Kuwaiti Oil Company’s Appreciation Letter for the experience of World Challenge XXIV

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